Alexander Bozhnyuk



My name is Alexander Bozhnyuk and I'm studying in Saint-Petersburg University on Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics.

Software engineering student

I am studying in the educational direction "Software Engineering". Why did I choose this way? Because back in school, when I wrote a small application for android, I realized that I like programming. Also I am interested in IT technologies and I want connect my life with this path.

  • Birthday: 5 August 2001
  • Phone: +7 (952) 797-04-73
  • City: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Age: 19
  • Degree: Bachelor in 2023
  • Email:

I love problem solving. I especially love to learn different approaches to achieve the best result. At the same time, I always try to extract something useful for myself, something important. I also like to plan, build in my head (or on paper) a plan for solving a complex problem, and then start implementing it. It is also important to note that I try to approach any task as creatively as I can.


I have always strived to improve my skills in my favorite profession. I am very fond of comprehending something new. Therefore, in the future, the arsenal of tools which I can use will only grow.

JAVA 80%
C 75%
OCaml 50%
Python 55%


The path that I have passed cannot yet be called very long, but it is already very rich and full of interesting things. Below you will see information about what I have learned and what tasks I have already worked on.


Alexander Bozhnyuk

A student of St. Petersburg State University, from Kaliningrad with 2-year programming experience. My favorite languages are Java and OCaml, and I like to work with this two platforms. I am also interested in the topic of compilers, programming languages, and therefore, perhaps, I would like to work in this direction. In the end of the ends, I would like to become a software engineer capable of solving really difficult problems.

  • Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • +7-(952)-797-04-73


School Education

2008 - 2019

Gymnasium No. 32, Kaliningrad

Graduated from school with a gold medal and a red certificate. Was doing some competitive programming, and also got acquainted with programming for the Android OS.

Bachelor of Software Engineering

2019 - 2023

Saint Petersburg State University, Faculcy of Mathematics and Mechanics, Department of System Programming

The direction teaches how to create software. During the studying, all important aspects are touched upon: idea, design, programming itself, maintenance and much more. Also, attention is paid to the mathematical foundation.

More about the university program

First Semester

2019, second half
  • Introduction to mathematical disciplines: mathematical analysis, linear algebra, number theory, basics of graph theory, the basics of probability theory, discrete mathematics.
  • Software engineering: an introduction. C language, basics of low-level programming. Development of general knowledge about the professional field in general.

Second Semester

2020, first half
  • Mathematical disciplines: continuation of mathematical analysis, differential calculus in multidimensional spaces, analytical geometry.
    Discrete Mathematics: Dynamic Programming, Markov Chains, Knapsack Problem, Flow Problem
  • Writing mini-assembler interpretator.
    Introduction to Java and OOP. Working with JavaFX and making a table game (I made Battleship) with UI. Implementing UI application for drawing plots. Working with IoC containers and Spring Framework.
  • A deeper dive into the architecture of computing systems and their history.
    Introduction to algorithms and data structures.

Third Semester

2020, second half
  • Mathematical disciplines: continuation of mathematical analysis, measure theory, Fourier series.
    Computation theory: automata, Turing machine, regular expressions.
  • Multiprocessor Programming: parallel algorithms, data structures, synchronization Algorithms. Implementing an Application for filtering photos with concurrency.
  • Functional Programming. Recursion schemes, type algebra, lambda calculus, monads.
    Implementation of mini-Java language with OOP component: parser, interpreter, REPL.
  • Operating Systems. Implementation of task scheduler, fork, exec, wait and exit. Working with virtual memory.
  • Introduction to software engineering: roles, qualities, development methodologies, different approaches.

Fourth Semester

2021, first half
  • Mathematical disciplines: probability theory and mathematical statistics, mathematical logic, computational mathematics, differential equations.
  • Product Desigh: idea, research, market analysis, prototyping, design, MVP.
  • Scientific practice: comparison of Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling algorithms
  • WEB Programming: HTML, CSS, Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy.
    Working with Python for scientific purposes: Jupyter Notebooks.


Below you can see the projects that I have been doing during 2 years of study.

  • All
  • App
  • Research
  • Soft


In the course of work, student Bozhnyuk Aleksandr Sergeevich actively and regularly interacted with the scientific advisor, completed the assigned tasks in a timely manner, showed great independence and promptly eliminated the identified comments on the work.

Stanislav Sartasov

Assistant Professor & Team Lead



Botanicheskaya Street 66/4, Peterhof, 198594

